The django docs is very good and you should find the answers to most of your questions http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/
You can google it easily but make sure that you are on the doc pages of django 1.2.
For schema migration, I recommed to look at south http://south.aeracode.org/
In my opinion south is a must-have feature for a website. It is quite easy and fast to get started. The tutorial on their website should help you. I think that it will be a big help if you plan to make some schema migration in the week-end. If not you can wait a little.
I’ve never used south on a db generated by inspectdb but I guess that it should work ok 🙂
Have a nice week-end 🙂
My best piece of advice: learn Python.
Django is wonderful, but at it’s root it’s just Python. You’ll be able to get a long way just following the documentation and tutorials you find around the web, but you won’t really benefit as much as possible if you try and use your PHP idioms instead of Pythonic ones.
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