[Django]-Displaying pyqtgraph and pyqt widgets on web



Here is what I have sort of put together by pulling several threads online:

  1. Ruby On Rails seems to be more popular than python at this moment.
  2. If you go python, Flask and Django are good templates.
  3. bokeh seems to be a good way of plotting to a browser.
  4. AFAIK, there is no way to take an existing PyQt or pyqtgraph application and have it run on the web.
  5. I am not sure how Twisted (Tornado, Node.js and Friends) fits in to the web SaaS, but I see it referred to occasionally since it is asynchronous event-driven.
  6. People often suggest using Rest, but that seems slow to me. Not sure why…


If all you need are static plots, then it should be straightforward to draw and export to an SVG file, then display the SVG in a webpage (or export to image, as svg rendering is not reliable in all browsers). If you need interactivity, then you’re going to need a different solution and probably pyqtgraph is not the tool for this job. VisPy does have some early browser support but this has only been demonstrated with ipython notebook.

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