First of all, it won’t work in localhost… The image won’t be attached to the email — what actually is gonna happen is the html in the email refer to the image in your server, e.g. (http://example.com/static/Kamal.png)
That been said, you can either set a full path STATIC_URL
STATIC_URL = 'http://example.com/static/'
Instead of just:
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
The other option is using the get_host()
method to build your url, in case you have STATIC_URL = '/static/'
<img src="{{ request.get_host }}{% static 'Kamal.png' %}" alt=" Mon Image "/>
Send Domain Name Before Sending mail:
domain = site[0].domain //You will get your domain name 'xyz.com'
subject ="Conform your email address "
message = render_to_string('EmailTemplates/Email_verification.html', {
'domain':"{0}".format(domain),//It will return
your doman ' or etc'
send_email(subject, message, user
Your Templates use Domain before static url:
<img src="{{domain}}/static/DataSearch/images/slider-image.png" alt="Party Wumpus" title="None" width="500" style="height: auto;">
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