[Fixed]-Displaying a django variable as the value attribute of a form field


In your view, when initializing the form, you can assign initial values:

form = WhatsYourFormsClass(initial={'field1': value1, 'field2': value2})

You initialise the form with initial values correctly:

form = EditFeedbackForm(initial={'title': post.feedback_title, 'body': post.feedback_description})
if (...)

but then pass another (empty) instance:

    form = EditFeedbackForm()
return (...)

Your method should be like that:

def edit_feedback(request, feedback_id, board):
    boardObj = Board.objects.get(board_name=board)
    post = Feedback.objects.get(id=feedback_id)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = EditFeedbackForm(request.POST)
        (form processing)
        (if processing went OK, redirect to your chosen view)
        form = EditFeedbackForm(initial={'title': post.feedback_title, 'body': post.feedback_description})
    return render(**your form template name here**, {'form': form})

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