[Vuejs]-Display tooltip icon right after the label using vuetify


Use the append slot for the v-text-field component. Inside of the v-text-field component, this should work for you:

<template v-slot:append>
  <v-tooltip bottom>
     <template #activator="{on}">
        <v-icon v-on="on">mdi-pencil</v-icon>

Edit: You may not have material design icons configured with Vuetify like I do.

Try this, sorry about the confusion.

  <template v-slot:append>
    <v-tooltip bottom>
      <template v-slot:activator="{on}">
        <v-btn v-on="on">test</v-btn>
      <span>Hello World</span>

This should put a v-btn at the end of the text field with a tooltip that reads ‘Hello World’

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