[Django]-Display multiple related Django models in a table design problem



If you have that date model so you can fetch all bs then group them by a and calculate total amount. Code may look like this:


from django.utils.itercompat import groupby

def view(request):
   bs = B.objects.all().annotate(sum_of_c_val=Sum('c.val'))\
   b_by_a = [
               'grouper': key,
               'list': list(val),
               'total': sum([b.sum_of_c_val for b in val])
            for key, val in
            groupby(bs, lambda b: b.a)

   return render_to_response('tmpl.html', {'b_by_a': b_by_a})

And template:

{% for b_group in b_by_a %}
  {% for b in b_group.list %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


For compatible with Django 1.0 you have to replace annotate call with extra select or in-python amount calculation.

  1. With subquery:

    bs = B.objects.all().extra(
          'sum_of_c_val': 'SELECT SUM(app_c.val) FROM app_c WHERE app_c.b_id=app_b.id'

    Where app – application name

  2. This in-python calculation:

     bs = B.objects.all().select_related('a')
     for b in bs:
         b.sum_of_c_val = sum(map(int, b.c.all().values_list("val", flat=True)))

    But it produces N additional queries (where N = len(bs))

πŸ‘€Alex Koshelev


Disclaimer: I’m a Django beginner myself, but if I’ve understood its basic concepts right, then:

Given that the view you want is – as you say – just a view of the underlying data, then you should do the sorting and grouping in the view module. I don’t think you should mess with the model (which is just the data), nor with the template (which is just a layout of the view).

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