If I were you, I’d do this in a template:
{% if user == post.author %}
display edit button
{% else %}
display view button or something else
{% endif %}
One more variant (if you want to do all the logic in a view) is to create a mixin:
class CanEditMixin(object):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
The method populates Context with can_edit var
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super(CanEditMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
#Update Context with the can_edit
#Your logic goes here (something like that)
if self.request.user == self.get_object().author
return context
Then you will need to update your view (the order matters):
class PostDetailView(CanEditMixin, LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView):
#your view
and your template:
{% if can_edit %}
display edit button
{% else %}
display view button or something else
{% endif %}
Also depending on specifics of your problem you may be interested in django object-level permission packages. These packages allow you to add permission for the user to edit a given object. In that case you can just write in your template something like that:
{% if perms.post.can_edit %}
display edit button
{% else %}
display view button or something else
{% endif %}
a link to the django docs.