In below snippet as you can see I am passing the
of the Employee fetched from Graph previously.
Then making call for employee to get their Avatar/DP
The Graph Profile Photo endpoint returns binary Data of the photo.
Convert that binary data into
URL e.g....
Use in
<img src="dataUrl"/>
let imageUrl = (await request.get(GRAPH_CONFIG.GRAPH_DP_ENDPT + objectId + "/photos/48x48/\$value", { responseType: 'arraybuffer', validateStatus: (status) => status === 200 || status === 404 })) if (imageUrl.status === 200) { let reader = new FileReader() let blob = new Blob([imageUrl.data], {type: 'image/jpeg'}) reader.onload = (event) => { return event.target?.result.toString(); } reader.readAsDataURL(blob) }
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