[Django]-Disable migrations when running unit tests in Django 1.7



Look at this workaround, posted by Bernie Sumption to the Django developers mailing list:

If makemigrations has not yet been run, the “migrate” command treats
an app as unmigrated, and creates tables directly from the models just
like syncdb did in 1.6. I defined a new settings module just for unit
tests called “settings_test.py”, which imports * from the main
settings module and adds this line:

MIGRATION_MODULES = {“myapp”: “myapp.migrations_not_used_in_tests”}

Then I run tests like this:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=”myapp.settings_test” python manage.py test

This fools migrate into thinking that the app is unmigrated, and so
every time a test database is created it reflects the current
structure of models.py.

In Django 1.9, this situation is improved somewhat, and you can set the value to None:

MIGRATION_MODULES = {“myapp”: None}



Here is the end of my settings file :

class DisableMigrations(object):

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return True

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return None

if 'test' in sys.argv[1:] or 'jenkins' in sys.argv[1:]:
    DEBUG = False
    MIGRATION_MODULES = DisableMigrations()

based on this snippet

I disabled migrations only when tests are running


django-test-without-migrations adds a --nomigrations flag to manage.py test. Works like a charm.



From Django version 3.1 and up the correct way to do this is to use the MIGRATE setting in the database settings dict. See also the documentation.

    'TEST': {
        'NAME': 'Foo',
        'MIGRATE': False


Update: Never mind, this change was reverted before 1.10 final was released. Hopefully it will return in a future version.

Note that as of Django 1.10 this can be controlled by a test database setting.


Default: True

If set to False, Django won’t use migrations to create the test database.


I just figure out how to disable migrations after django 1.10,may be it could help for somebody. Here is link at git

class DisableMigrations(dict):
    def __contains__(self, item):
        return True

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return None

DATABASES = DisableMigrations()

MIGRATION_MODULES = DisableMigrations()

Migrations for django 1.10 has two part,please look at load_disk and recorder

The part of load_disk for migrations model of app that be added at INSTALL_APP
And the part of recorder for database connection
For the version before 1.9 we need set MIGRATION_MODULES={'do.not.migrate':'notmigrations'} when you are running test
Now we need set it None like MIGRATION_MODULES={'do.not.migrate':None}
So if we do not want make migrations for any app, just extend a dict and return None for getitem function , and do the same at DATABASES, that is the right thing you need to do

PS: For command, you need to specify --setting=module.path.settings_test_snippet after test
PPS If you are working with pycharm ,do not set --settings options at Run/Debug configurations, just add path of settings_test_snippet.py at Custom setting. That just be fine!!





    app[app.rfind('.') + 1:]: 'my_app.migrations_not_used_in_tests'
    for app in INSTALLED_APPS


For django 1.9 and up the answer of Guillaume Vincent does not work anymore, so here’s a new solution:

I’m using this snippet in my settings file, after the definition of the INSTALLED_APPS

if os.environ.get('TESTS_WITHOUT_MIGRATIONS', False):
        app.split('.')[-1]: None for app in INSTALLED_APPS

It iterates over all installed apps and marks each as having no migration module. See the django docs for more information.

Using this snippet you can run your tests, setting the environment variable TESTS_WITHOUT_MIGRATIONS, e.g.:


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