[Solved]-Determine if Django is running under the development server



As suggested by Bernhard Vallant, you can just check for runserver in sys.argv.

You can just replace your DEBUG assignment in settings.py with this:

DEBUG = (sys.argv[1] == 'runserver')

You should also import sys somewhere in settings.py.


This is not the best approach, but it works 🙂
For something better you can use django-configurations

import sys    
# Determine if in Production or Development
if (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'runserver'):
    DEBUG = True 
    DEBUG = False

Or you can use it as one-liner as mentioned by little_birdie in the comments:
DEBUG = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'runserver')


Could not have a permalink to this accepted and related answer to your question. So, just pasting it:-

server = request.META.get('wsgi.file_wrapper', None)
if server is not None and server.__module__ == 'django.core.servers.basehttp':
    print 'inside dev'

Of course, wsgi.file_wrapper might be set on META, and have a class from a module named django.core.servers.basehttp by extreme coincidence on another server environment, but I hope this will have you covered.

PS: Please refer to How can I tell whether my Django application is running on development server or not? for more details


  • Simpler code.
  • you really should log it so you can know for sure
  • this works even if it’s run in an environment that starts it a completely different way other than calling python. There may not be argv at position 1.
import sys

DEBUG = 'runserver' in sys.argv
print(f'DEBUG = {DEBUG}')

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