Finally My boss got the bandwidth to sit with me, and he found the exact problem.
And the problem was relative imports…
I just needed to append “project.” for every project related import for all the imports in tasks.py and in all the imports in imported files too.
from celeryapp.celeryqueue import app # replaced by
from project.celeryapp.celeryqueue import app # and
from abc import xyz # is replced by
from project.abc import xyz
from pqr import stu # is replced by
from project.pqr import stu
and so on…
Here is the link as daniula suggested relative imports
👤Kishor Pawar
Can you add “–loglevel=DEBUG” to configs:
# Extra arguments to celeryd
CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8 --loglevel=DEBUG"
Check the log files and edit your question with whatever unusual you see there.
The problem you described can be due to many reasons.
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