[Answered ]-Delete instance in django ModelForm


You don’t need a form to delete an item: a form is a way to handle HTML form input and transforms it into data that is more accessible to Python.

In case of a delete, you delete the instance, so:

def update_component(request, pk):
    component = Component.objects.all()
    component_id = Component.objects.get(id=pk)
    form = ComponentModelForm(instance=component_id)
    if request.method=='POST' and 'form-update' in request.POST:
        form = ComponentModelForm(request.POST,request.FILES, instance=component_id)
        if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info)
    if request.method=='POST' and 'form-delete' in request.POST:
        return redirect('/maintenance')
    context = {
        'components': component,
        'form': form,
    return render(request, 'update_component.html', context)

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