[Django]-Default image for ImageField in Django's ORM


I haven’t tried this, but I’m relatively sure you can just set it as a default in your field.

pic = models.ImageField(upload_to='blah', default='path/to/my/default/image.jpg')

EDIT: Stupid StackOverflow won’t let me comment on other people’s answers, but that old snippet is not what you want. I highly recommend django-imagekit because it does tons of great image resizing and manipulation stuff very easily and cleanly.


In models.py

image = models.ImageField(upload_to='profile_pic', default='default.jpg')

In settings.py add this:

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

Manually, add an image with a name ”default’ into the media folder.


You could theoretically also use a function within your model definition. But I dont know whether this is good practice:

class Image(model.Models):
    image = ....

    def getImage(self):
        if not self.image:
            # depending on your template
            return default_path or default_image_object

and then within a template

   <img src="img.getImage" />

This gives you a great deal of flexibility for the future…

I’m using sorl for thumbnails generation with great success


In your image field

field = models.ImageField(upload_to='xyz',default='default.jpg')

Note : path should be inside MEDIA_ROOT.


you could try this in your template:

{% ifequal object.image None %}
    <img src="DEFAULT_IMAGE" />
{% else %}
    display image
{% endifequal %}


You can provide an initial value with the ‘default’ parameter.
If there is already an image and you want to set it to default (instead of deleting it), you can try something like this:

DEFAULT = 'img/default.jpg'

class Example(models.Model):
    image = models.ImageField(default=DEFAULT)

    def set_image_to_default(self):
        self.image.delete(save=False)  # delete old image file
        self.image = DEFAULT

Then you can use set_image_to_default() instead of image.delete(), if you prefer the default.

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