[Django]-Database localization in Django


I can see two method for doing this, one in your view and the other one is in the template…

  1. In view:

Probably you keep the user language information somewhere so,

user_lang = 'es'
obj = Somemodel.objects.get(pk=123434)
obj.local_name = getattr(obj, 'name_%s'%user_lang)

So, you keep local translation in a specific variable of the instance and in your template you can use is as:


But that might be costly if you wish to pass the template a queryset instead of a single instance. For a such usege you have to evaluate that value for each object in your queryset.

  1. In template:

That is a more complex way of solving the porblem in the template…

Define a template tag and pass object_id, and local language information and get the translated text using a similar getattr function. But in that point, if you wish to use this for more than one model, you probably have to pass a content type information for your template tag too, such as:

{% get_translation <object_id> <content_type_id> <local_language> %}

And in your template tag function, do something like:

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

cont_obj = Content_type.objects.get_for_id(<cotent_type_id>) #get the related model 
obj = cont_obj.get_object_for_this_type(pk=<object_id>) # get your object 
return getattr(obj, 'name_%s'%<local_language>)


You should look at http://goodcode.io/articles/django-multilanguage/ Here’s a simple solution that may fit your use case and is easy to implement and understand.


You should look at Django Transmeta, it work the same way as what you’ve done (DB fields with language code) but it’s a more complete solution. It already deal with the template stuff, etc.

You can check Model Internationalization and Django Packages for more info and ideas in this domain.

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