Cypress process is not defined


The “cypress process is not defined” error usually occurs when the Cypress environment or process is not properly initialized or when there is an issue with the setup.

To solve this error, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you have installed Cypress correctly by running the following command in your project’s directory:
  2. npm install cypress --save-dev
  3. Check if you have a `cypress` directory in the root of your project. If not, initialize Cypress by running:
  4. npx cypress init
  5. If you have a `cypress` directory, it might be possible that the Cypress process is not started. Ensure that you open Cypress using one of following methods:
    • Running `npx cypress open` in your terminal.
    • Adding a script in your `package.json` file like:
    • "scripts": {
        "cypress:open": "cypress open"
    • Then, run the script by executing `npm run cypress:open` in the terminal.
  6. If you are running Cypress programmatically or using a custom setup, double-check that you have correctly initialized the Cypress process.


// cypress/integration/example_spec.js
describe('My First Test', () => {
  it('Does not throw an error', () => {

In the above example, the Cypress test visits `` and verifies whether the text ‘Example’ is visible on the page without any errors. Make sure your code follows a similar structure and the Cypress process is started correctly, then the “cypress process is not defined” error should be resolved.

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