Cypress failed to verify that your server is running.

When using Cypress for automated testing, if you encounter the error message “Cypress failed to verify that your server is running,” it typically means that Cypress is unable to establish a connection with the server or the server is not running.

Here are some common causes and potential solutions to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Server not running: Ensure that your server is indeed running and accessible. Try to access the server URL manually using a browser or a tool like cURL to verify its availability.
  2. Server startup time: Give the server enough time to start up completely before running Cypress tests. You can introduce a small delay before initiating tests to allow the server to initialize properly.

    // Wait for 5 seconds before starting tests
  3. Server URL configuration: Verify that the server URL is correctly specified in your Cypress configuration file (cypress.json) or in your test code. Ensure it matches the actual server URL where your application is running.

    // Example: configuration in cypress.json
    "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"
  4. Servers with external dependencies: If your server has dependencies like a database or third-party services, make sure those are running properly as well. Cypress may fail to verify the server if any of its dependencies are not available.
  5. Firewall or network restrictions: Check if there are any firewall rules or network restrictions that may prevent Cypress from accessing the server. Ensure that the necessary ports are open and any required network configurations are in place.

By investigating these potential causes, you should be able to resolve the “Cypress failed to verify that your server is running” error and ensure that Cypress can successfully connect to your server for testing.

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