first of all, yes this is possible with a driver, and my suggestion will result in a driver that feels quite like the HTTP driver.
First of all to have some rough pseudo code that where I can explain everything, I might have misunderstood parts of your question so this might be wrong.
interface WebsocketMessage {
channel: string;
data: any;
function makeWebSocketDriver() {
let socket = null;
let token = null;
let channels = {}
return function websocketDriver(sink$: Stream<WebsocketMessage> {
return xs.create({
start: listener => {
next: ({ channel, data }) => {
if(channel === 'OPEN_SOCKET' && socket === null) {
token = data;
socket = new phoenix.Socket(FQDN, { token });
socketHandler.onOpen(() => listener.next({
channel: 'SOCKET_OPEN'
} else {
if(channels[channel] === undefined) {
channels[channel] = new Channel(channel, { token });
.receive('ok', () => {
This would be the rough structure of such a driver. You see it waits for a message with the token and then opens the socket. It also keeps track of the open channels and sends/receives in those based on the category of the message. This method just requires that all channels have unique names, I am not sure how your channel protocol works in that regard or what you want in particular.
I hope this enough to get you started, if you clarify the API of the channel send/receive and the socket, I might be able to help more. You are also always welcome to ask questions in our gitter channel