[Django]-Cx_oracle errors out on multi threaded scenario – ORA 24550 error


Sorry, I forgot to add the answer earlier. I was testing this in Oracle XE. Once I moved away from XE, it started working properly. Also, we started using Oraclepool along with it – I now don’t remember whether it was the oraclepool or XE move which got it to work, but together anyways it is working now



You must add the instruction “threaded” in the “settings.py” file. like this:

    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.oracle',
    'NAME': 'instance',
    'USER': 'user',
    'PASSWORD': 'xxxxxxx',
    'HOST': '',
    'PORT': '1521',
    'OPTIONS': {'threaded': True}

    'default': DB_QUALITY,

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