[Vuejs]-Custom sorting v-data-table with strings values


I finally solved it as follows:

In the <v-data-table> component I added a <template> tag to customize the appearance and formatting of the data in the table.

          v-for="(headerItem, index) in tableHeaders"
          v-slot:[`item.${headerItem.value}`]="{ item }"
          {{ headerItem.formatter ? headerItem.formatter(item[headerItem.value]) : item[headerItem.value] }}

Finally, the method where it loaded the headers, added the formatting.

loadTableHeaders() {
    let aliases = [];
    aliases = this.$store.state.informes.dataInformes.get('aliases')?.filter((item: any) => item.endpoint === this.config.sources).sort((a: any, b: any) => (a.order < b.order ? -1 : 1));
    if (!aliases) {
      aliases = this.$store.state.informes.dataInformes.get(this.config.sources); // FIXME: Ordenar headers cuando no existan aliases
    aliases.forEach((item: any) => {
      if (item.alias !== 'Nivel Territorial') {
        if ((informesStore.state.nivTerr !== 'CC.AA' && informesStore.state.nivTerr !== 'Nacional')
          || ((informesStore.state.nivTerr === 'CC.AA' || informesStore.state.nivTerr === 'Nacional') && item.alias !== 'Ámbito superior')) {
            this.tableHeaders.push({ text: item.alias, value: item.indicator, formatter: this.formatNumericValues });

  formatNumericValues(value: any) {
    if (typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value)) {
      return new Intl.NumberFormat('de').format(value);
    } else {
      return value; // Devuelve el valor sin formato para casos no numéricos


There are several issues:

  • The types of customSort() does not match that of :custom-sort. Your index is declared as number, but it is actually a string array (sortBy), and your isDescending (sortDesc) is actually a boolean array. You could have just copied the declaration from the documentation…
  • You logged the variable, so you are probably aware that the input to sort() is the whole object, not just the value. So when you assign the whole object to valueA and valueB respectively, none of the following comparisons will work. You need to extract the values using the props in sortBy.
  • A number in a local format, like german 1.000,56, cannot be transformed back to a number with Number(), you either need to parse it back or, preferably, keep the original number somewhere on your object and fall back to it during sorting.
  • If you want to be able to sort by multiple values, you need to go through the sortBy array and compare each field until you get a non-zero value.

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