Curl: (26) failed to open/read local data from file/application

When you encounter the error message “curl: (26) failed to open/read local data from file/application”, it means that curl is unable to read or access the local data file or application file that you specified in your curl command.

This error can occur due to various reasons, such as incorrect file path, insufficient permissions to access the file, or the file being corrupted.

To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the file path:
    Ensure that the file path you specified in your curl command is correct. Double-check the path and make sure there are no typos or missing directories.


    curl -X POST -d @/path/to/file.txt
  2. Verify file permissions:
    Ensure that the file has proper read permissions for the user executing the curl command. You can use the “ls -l” command in the terminal to check the file permissions.
    If the file doesn’t have read permissions, you can grant them using the “chmod” command.


    chmod +r /path/to/file.txt
  3. Ensure the file is not corrupted:
    If you suspect that the file might be corrupted, try opening it with an appropriate application or editor to verify its integrity. If the file is indeed corrupted, you may need to obtain a valid copy of the file.

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