From Dima Kudosh’s answer and based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/5700744/2240489 I had to do the following:
I removed the reference to PARTITION BY
in the sql and replaced with ORDER BY
resulting in.
template='%(expressions)s OVER (ORDER BY %(order_by)s)',
).values('id', 'cumsum').order_by('id', 'cumsum')
This gives the following sql:
SELECT "amodel"."id",
OVER (ORDER BY id) AS "cumsum"
FROM "amodel"
GROUP BY "amodel"."id"
ORDER BY "amodel"."id" ASC, "cumsum" ASC
Dima Kudosh’s answer was not summing the results but the above does.
For reference, starting with Django 2.0 it is possible to use the Window
function to achieve this result:
AModel.objects.annotate(cumsum=Window(Sum('a_number'), order_by=F('id').asc()))\
.values('id', 'cumsum').order_by('id', 'cumsum')
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For posterity, I found this to be a good solution for me. I didn’t need the result to be a QuerySet, so I could afford to do this, since I was just going to plot the data using D3.js:
import numpy as np
import datettime
today = datetime.datetime.date()
raw_data = MyModel.objects.filter('date'=today).values_list('a_number', flat=True)
cumsum = np.cumsum(raw_data)
You can try to do this with Func expression.
from django.db.models import Func, Sum
AModel.objects.annotate(cumsum=Func(Sum('a_number'), template='%(expressions)s OVER (PARTITION BY %(partition_by)s)', partition_by='id')).values('id', 'cumsum').order_by('id')
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Check this
AModel.objects.order_by("id").extra(select={"cumsum":'SELECT SUM(m.a_number) FROM table_name m WHERE m.id <= table_name.id'}).values('id', 'cumsum')
where table_name
should be the name of table in database.
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