Cross-site post form submissions are forbidden

Cross-site form submissions involve submitting a form on a website to a different domain than the one the form is hosted on. This is typically done using JavaScript and can be useful in scenarios like single sign-on or when integrating third-party services.

However, due to security reasons, browsers have implemented a security policy known as the Same-Origin Policy. This policy prevents cross-site form submissions by default, meaning that a form hosted on one domain cannot be submitted to another domain without explicit consent.

To enable cross-site form submissions, the target domain must explicitly allow the origin domain in its server-side code. This can be achieved through various methods such as CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers or server-side proxying.

For example, let’s say we have a form hosted on “” and we want to submit it to “”. By default, attempting to submit the form will result in an error like “No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource”.

To allow the cross-site form submission, the server hosting “” needs to include the following response header:


This header explicitly allows the origin “” to submit forms to the “” domain. Once the server includes this header, the form submission will be allowed and the data can be processed on the target domain.

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