[Answer]-Creating nested structure xml with django



I figure out!

So regroup could be nested and my code should be looks like something like this:

{% regroup datas by pagenum as pagenum_list %}
{% for pagenum in pagenum_list %}
  <PAGE page="{{pagenum.grouper}}">
    {% regroup pagenum.list by parenttag as parenttag_list %}
    {% for parenttag in parenttag_list %}
    <PARENT parent="{{parenttag.grouper}}">
      {% regroup parenttag.list by tag as tag_list %}
      {% for tag in tag_list %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


either have your data structure better ready for rendering by grouping parents or implement a more advanced solution like Can I use XSLT in Django?

๐Ÿ‘คGuy Gavriely

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