[Vuejs]-Creating a Vue.JS component with nothing in the template section


It is possible that mixins will help achieve desired behavior in such case.

Though, answering the question: it is also possible to create a component that does not render any html, but still has all component’s API.

Here is a simple example of such component. It can be imported and registered as SFC:

export default {
  name: 'RenderlessComponent',
  render: () => null,
  data () { 
    return {} 
  methods: {},
  mounted() {}

Usage example:

Edit Vue Template


You would like to create a mixin.

Step 1 : Create iziToastMixin.js file (say at the root of the project)


import Vue from 'vue';
import iziToast from 'izitoast';
import '../node_modules/izitoast/dist/css/iziToast.css';

// Here you can include some "default" settings
  close: false,
  pauseOnHover: false,
  icon: '',
  timeout: 5000,
  progressBar: true,
  layout: 2

export default function install () {
  Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
    $iziToast: {
      get () {
        return iziToast

Step 2 : Import the mixin created in main.js file and use it.


import iziToast from './iziToastPlugin'

Step 3 : Now, use the mixin in any component you like via accessing this.$iziToast


//... code

methods() {
  btnClicked() {
        title: 'OK',
        message: 'Successfully inserted record!',

//... code

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