I usually use a dictionary, not a list to return JSON content.
import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
response_data = {}
response_data['result'] = 'error'
response_data['message'] = 'Some error message'
Pre-Django 1.7 youβd return it like this:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data), content_type="application/json")
For Django 1.7+, use JsonResponse
as shown in this SO answer like so :
from django.http import JsonResponse
return JsonResponse({'foo':'bar'})
New in django 1.7
you could use JsonResponse objects.
from the docs:
from django.http import JsonResponse
return JsonResponse({'foo':'bar'})
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I use this, it works fine.
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.http import HttpResponse
def some_view(request):
to_json = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(to_json), mimetype='application/json')
from django.utils import simplejson
class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
JSON response
def __init__(self, content, mimetype='application/json', status=None, content_type=None):
super(JsonResponse, self).__init__(
In Django 1.7 JsonResponse objects have been added to the Django framework itself which makes this task even easier:
from django.http import JsonResponse
def some_view(request):
return JsonResponse({"key": "value"})
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Since Django 1.7 you have a standard JsonResponse thatβs exactly what you need:
from django.http import JsonResponse
return JsonResponse(array_to_js, safe=False)
You donβt even need to json.dump your array.
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With Django Class-based views you can write:
from django.views import View
from django.http import JsonResponse
class JsonView(View):
def get(self, request):
return JsonResponse({'some': 'data'})
and with Django-Rest-Framework you can write:
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
class JsonView(APIView):
def get(self, request):
return Response({'some': 'data'})
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For those who use Django 1.7+
from django.http import JsonResponse
def your_view(request):
json_object = {'key': "value"}
return JsonResponse(json_object)
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from django.http import HttpResponse
import json
class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, content={}, mimetype=None, status=None,
super(JsonResponse, self).__init__(json.dumps(content), mimetype=mimetype,
status=status, content_type=content_type)
And in the view:
resp_data = {'my_key': 'my value',}
return JsonResponse(resp_data)
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Youβll want to use the django serializer to help with unicode stuff:
from django.core import serializers
json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")()
response = json_serializer.serialize(list, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, use_natural_keys=True)
return HttpResponse(response, mimetype="application/json")
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Its very convenient with Django version 1.7 or higher as you have the JsonResponse class, which is a subclass of HttpResponse.
from django.http import JsonResponse
def profile(request):
data = {
'name': 'Raghav',
'location': 'India',
'is_active': False,
'count': 28
return JsonResponse(data)
For older versions of Django, you must use an HttpResponse object.
import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
def profile(request):
data = {
'name': 'Raghav',
'location': 'India',
'is_active': False,
'count': 28
dump = json.dumps(data)
return HttpResponse(dump, content_type='application/json')
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How to use google app engine with ajax (json)?
Code Javascript with JQuery:
url: '/ajax',
dataType : 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
alert('Load was performed.'+data.ajax_resp);
Code Python
class Ajax(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
my_response = {'ajax_resp':'Hello, webapp World!'}
datos = json.dumps(my_response)
self.response.headers.add_header('content-type', 'application/json', charset='utf-8')
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First import this:
from django.http import HttpResponse
If you have the JSON already:
def your_method(request):
your_json = [{'key1': value, 'key2': value}]
return HttpResponse(your_json, 'application/json')
If you get the JSON from another HTTP request:
def your_method(request):
response = request.get('https://www.example.com/get/json')
return HttpResponse(response, 'application/json')
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This is my preferred version using a class based view.
Simply subclass the basic View and override the get()-method.
import json
class MyJsonView(View):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
resp = {'my_key': 'my value',}
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), mimetype="application/json" )
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Django code views.py
def view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
print request.body
data = request.body
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data))
HTML code view.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
selected = $("#mySelect option:selected").text()
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
url: '/view/',
data: {
'fruit': selected
success: function(result) {
Select your favorite fruit:
<select id="mySelect">
<option value="apple" selected >Select fruit</option>
<option value="apple">Apple</option>
<option value="orange">Orange</option>
<option value="pineapple">Pineapple</option>
<option value="banana">Banana</option>
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This way the json contents can be downloaded as a file with a specific filename.
import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
def download_json(request):
data = {'some': 'information'}
# serialize data obj as a JSON stream
data = json.dumps(data)
response = HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json charset=utf-8')
# add filename to response
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="filename.json"'
return response
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Most of these answers are out of date. JsonResponse is not recommended because it escapes the characters, which is usually undesired. Hereβs what I use:
views.py (returns HTML)
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core import serializers
def your_view(request):
data = serializers.serialize('json', YourModel.objects.all())
context = {"data":data}
return render(request, "your_view.html", context)
views.py (returns JSON)
from django.core import serializers
from django.http import HttpResponse
def your_view(request):
data = serializers.serialize('json', YourModel.objects.all())
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
Bonus for Vue Users
If you want to bring your Django Queryset into Vue, you can do the following.
<div id="dataJson" style="display:none">
{{ data }}
let dataParsed = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('dataJson').textContent);
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
yourVariable: dataParsed,
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In View use this:
for getting validation messages without html
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def your_view(request):
response = {'key': "value"}
return JsonResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json",safe=False)
#Specify the content_type and use json.dump() son as the content not to be sent as object
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