Create Chart.js pie chart data from PHP


You need to convert the values in the JSON to numbers, JSON encodes them as strings.


in Javascript should do the trick.

I got confused with this as well, kept me occupied for weeks.

For PHP Var

var pie = [{ value: parseInt(<?PHP VARIABLE?>), color: "#F7464A" }]


Hi I was facing the same problem and i found solution. which is working absolutly fine.

My json data

$obj = json_decode($jsonData);

var PieData = [<?php for($i=0;$i<count($obj);$i++){ ?>

    value: <?php echo $obj[$i]->taskcount;?>,

    label: 'Week '+<?php echo $obj[$i]->week_name;?>

          <?php } ?>


For all those still wondering how to pass an integer PHP variable as a value in Chartjs javascript here’s how:

var PieData        = [
        value    : parseInt(<?php echo $variable; ?>),
        color    : '#00c0ef',
        highlight: '#00c0ef',
        label    : 'Blue'

I used this with Adminlte 3 – Hope it helps!

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