[Django]-Create a facebook notification with Django package facepy : [15] (#15) This method must be called with an app access_token


Finally I found where was the issues.
when I was trying with

graph = GraphAPI(token_app)

I was on the good way, the only things to do was to delete

access_token= token_app

the token is saved when at the instruction GraphAPI(token_app) so there is no need to give it again.

The correct code is :

def notify_self(request):

   token = request.facebook.user.oauth_token.token #user token
   graph = GraphAPI(token)
      path = 'me/notifications',
      template = '#Text of the notification',
      href = 'URL',
      access_token= token_app

   return HttpResponse('<script type=\'text/javascript\'>top.location.href = \'URL\'</script>')

Hope that will help someone


When creating notifications, you should use the app token, not the user token. So, the token = … line is not necessary.

In addition, since you are using an app token rather than an user token, you cannot use “me/…” in the path; you must specify the user ID.

This is what worked for me:

def notify_self(request):
    token_app = facepy.utils.get_application_access_token(
    graph = GraphAPI(token_app)
        path='%s/notifications' % request.facebook.user.facebook_id,
        template='#Text of the notification',
        href='my targe URL',
    return 'etc'


Jiloko Has forgotten to update the code, I tried the code and the correct code is here:

def notify_self(request):
   graph = GraphAPI(token_app)
      path = 'me/notifications',
      template = '#Text of the notification',
      href = 'URL'

   return HttpResponse('<script type=\'text/javascript\'>top.location.href = \'URL\'</script>')

you can change ‘me/notifications’ for ‘USER_ID/notifications’


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