[Django]-Create a django password in a simple python script


What you’re looking for is make_password.

Basic usage:

Simply pass your plain-text password, it returns the hash you need.

Furthermore, according to the project reqs and specs, you can set the algorithm on the server2 app: just pass also the hasher parameter (note: in Django, the default is PBKDF2).

Environment requisites:

First of all, if you’re new to Python my advice is to take a look to the PYTHONPATH env var, used to “tell” to the interpreter where he has to search.
Then, using Django, if you want you can define which settings file the running instance has to point to. This is accomplished with another env var, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, and for django-admin it can be set also inline:

django-admin runserver --settings=server2.settings

make_password example:

Assuming that your Python/Django env/path variables are properly configured, you have:

$ python manage.py shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password
>>> make_password('password', 'generate something random', 'pbkdf2_sha256')


'pbkdf2_sha256$36000$generate something random$0F6M8tj8Y65YXuUgfRkDAwYqrky6Ob5JN+HLPO+6Ayg='


I actually found an easy approach for PHP, which suits better for my usecase:

$password = 'password'
$salt = 'generate something random'
$iterations = 120000
$hash = base64_encode(hash_pbkdf2 ( 'sha256' , $password , $salt , $iterations, 32, true));

$django_password = 'pbkdf2_256'. '$' . $iterations . '$' . $hash;

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