Could not locate propertysource: none of labels [] found

Below is an example of the HTML content in a `

` element that explains the error message “could not locate propertysource: none of labels [] found” in detail:


Error: could not locate propertysource: none of labels [] found

This error message is related to the configuration of property sources in an application.
It indicates that the application is unable to find any property source labels.

Possible Causes:

  • The property source labels are not defined correctly.
  • The property source files are missing or not accessible.
  • The property source files are not included in the application’s classpath.


Let’s consider an example where an application is using Spring Boot and the file
as a property source. If this error occurs, it could be due to:

  • The file is missing or located in the wrong folder.
  • The file does not contain any property sources.
  • The property source label specified in the file does not match the expected label.

To resolve this issue, make sure:

  • The property source files (e.g., application.yml)
    are present in the correct location.
  • Double-check the labeling of property sources in the files and ensure they match the expected labels.
  • Verify that the property source files are included in the classpath and accessible by the application.


In this example, the error message is explained, and possible causes and solutions are mentioned. The examples provided specifically focus on a Spring Boot application using `` as the property source, but the principles can be applied to other scenarios as well.

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