Could not find included file ‘pods/target support files/pods-runner/pods-runner.debug.xcconfig’ in search paths

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The error message “could not find included file ‘pods/target support files/pods-runner/pods-runner.debug.xcconfig’ in search paths” is encountered when the file specified in the path is not found within the search paths of the project.

This error often occurs in Xcode when using CocoaPods to manage dependencies in an iOS project. It indicates that the specified configuration file, ‘pods-runner.debug.xcconfig’, cannot be located in the given search paths.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Make sure you have installed the necessary pods and their dependencies correctly. If the pod has not been installed or is not up to date, it can cause this error.

    To install or update the pods, open Terminal, navigate to the project directory, and run the command:

    pod install

  2. Check the search paths in your Xcode project settings. Make sure the path specified in the error message is correctly included in the search paths.

    To add or edit search paths, go to your project’s settings, select the target, and navigate to the “Build Settings” tab. Look for the “Header Search Paths” or “Library Search Paths” settings and ensure that the necessary paths for the pod files are included.

  3. Clean and rebuild your project. Sometimes, outdated build artifacts can cause this error. Cleaning and rebuilding the project can help resolve the issue.

    To clean the project, go to “Product” in the Xcode menu bar, hold the Option key, and choose “Clean Build Folder.” Then rebuild the project by going to “Product” and selecting “Build.”


Let’s assume you have integrated Firebase using CocoaPods, and you encountered the mentioned error message. Following the solutions mentioned above, you would first navigate to your project directory in Terminal and run:

pod install

This command would install or update the Firebase pods and their dependencies. Then you would proceed to check the search paths in your Xcode project settings and ensure that the relevant paths for Firebase are included. Finally, you would clean the project and rebuild it to eliminate any potential build artifacts causing the error.



The error message indicates that Xcode cannot find the specified configuration file, ‘pods-runner.debug.xcconfig’, within the search paths. This typically happens when using CocoaPods to manage dependencies in an iOS project.

To resolve this issue, the following solutions are recommended:

1. Make sure you have installed the necessary pods correctly by running the command `pod install` in Terminal within your project directory. This command will install or update the pods and their dependencies.

2. Check the search paths in your Xcode project settings to ensure the specified path is correctly included. Navigate to your project’s settings, select the target, and go to the “Build Settings” tab. Look for “Header Search Paths” or “Library Search Paths” settings and add the necessary paths for the pod files.

3. Clean and rebuild your project to eliminate any potential build artifacts causing the error. To clean the project, go to “Product” in the Xcode menu bar, hold the Option key, and choose “Clean Build Folder.” Then rebuild the project by selecting “Build” under “Product.”


Let’s assume you encountered this error when integrating Firebase using CocoaPods. Following the solutions mentioned above, you would run `pod install` in Terminal to install or update the Firebase pods and their dependencies. Then you would check the Xcode project settings to ensure the relevant paths for Firebase are included. Finally, you would clean the project and rebuild it to resolve the error.

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