converting an IP string to long integer:
import socket, struct
def ip2long(ip):
Convert an IP string to long
packedIP = socket.inet_aton(ip)
return struct.unpack("!L", packedIP)[0]
the other way around:
>>> socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', 2130706433))
Here’s a summary of all options as of 2017-06. All modules are either part of the standard library or can be installed via pip install
ipaddress module
Module ipaddress (doc) is part of the standard library since v3.3 but it’s also available as an external module for python v2.6,v2.7.
>>> import ipaddress
>>> int(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
>>> str(ipaddress.ip_address(16909060))
>>> int(ipaddress.ip_address(u'1000:2000:3000:4000:5000:6000:7000:8000'))
>>> str(ipaddress.ip_address(21268296984521553528558659310639415296L))
No module import (IPv4 only)
Nothing to import but works only for IPv4 and the code is longer than any other option.
>>> ipstr = ''
>>> parts = ipstr.split('.')
>>> (int(parts[0]) << 24) + (int(parts[1]) << 16) + \
(int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3])
>>> ipint = 16909060
>>> '.'.join([str(ipint >> (i << 3) & 0xFF)
for i in range(4)[::-1]])
Module netaddr
netaddr is an external module but is very stable and available since Python 2.5 (doc)
>>> import netaddr
>>> int(netaddr.IPAddress(''))
>>> str(netaddr.IPAddress(16909060))
>>> int(netaddr.IPAddress(u'1000:2000:3000:4000:5000:6000:7000:8000'))
>>> str(netaddr.IPAddress(21268296984521553528558659310639415296L))
Modules socket and struct (ipv4 only)
Both modules are part of the standard library, the code is short, a bit cryptic and IPv4 only.
>>> import socket, struct
>>> ipstr = ''
>>> struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_aton(ipstr))[0]
>>> ipint=16909060
>>> socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', ipint))
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Use class IPAddress
in module netaddr
ipv4 str
-> int
print int(netaddr.IPAddress(''))
# OUTPUT: 3232236598
ipv4 int
-> str
print str(netaddr.IPAddress(3232236598))
ipv6 str
-> int
print int(netaddr.IPAddress('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329'))
# OUTPUT: 42540766411282592856904265327123268393
ipv6 int
-> str
print str(netaddr.IPAddress(42540766411282592856904265327123268393))
# OUTPUT: 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329
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Since Python 3.3 there is the ipaddress module that does exactly this job among others: https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html. Backports for Python 2.x are also available on PyPI.
Example usage:
import ipaddress
ip_in_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
ip_in_hex = hex(ipaddress.ip_address(''))
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Here’s One Line Answers:
import socket, struct
def ip2long_1(ip):
return struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
def ip2long_2(ip):
return long("".join(["{0:08b}".format(int(num)) for num in ip.split('.')]), 2)
def ip2long_3(ip):
return long("".join(["{0:08b}".format(num) for num in map(int, ip.split('.'))]), 2)
Execution Times:
ip2long_1 => 0.0527065660363234 ( The Best )
ip2long_2 => 0.577211893924598
ip2long_3 => 0.5552745958088666
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One line solution without any module import:
ip2int = lambda ip: reduce(lambda a, b: (a << 8) + b, map(int, ip.split('.')), 0)
int2ip = lambda n: '.'.join([str(n >> (i << 3) & 0xFF) for i in range(0, 4)[::-1]])
In [3]: ip2int('')
Out[3]: 2046352469
In [4]: int2ip(2046352469)
Out[4]: ''
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Convert IP to integer :
python -c "print sum( [int(i)*2**(8*j) for i,j in zip( ''.split('.'), [3,2,1,0]) ] )"
Convert Interger to IP :
python -c "print '.'.join( [ str((169090600 >> 8*i) % 256) for i in [3,2,1,0] ])"
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def ip2Hex(ip = None):
'''Returns IP in Int format from Octet form'''
for num in reversed(digits):
print "%d " % int(num)
numericIp += int(num) * 256 **(count)
count +=1
print "Numeric IP:",numericIp
print "Numeric IP Hex:",hex(numericIp)
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Here’s one
def ipv4_to_int(ip):
octets = ip.split('.')
count = 0
for i, octet in enumerate(octets):
count += int(octet) << 8*(len(octets)-(i+1))
return count
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You can use the function clean_ip
from the library DataPrep if your IP addresses are in a DataFrame. Install DataPrep with pip install dataprep
from dataprep.clean import clean_ip
df = pd.DataFrame({"ip": ["", "", ""]})
To convert to a decimal format, set the parameter output_format
to "integer"
df2 = clean_ip(df, "ip", output_format="integer")
# print(df2)
ip ip_clean
0 3127078144
1 2130706433
2 16909060
To convert to a binary format, set the parameter output_format
to "binary"
df2 = clean_ip(df, "ip", output_format="binary")
# print(df2)
ip ip_clean
0 10111010011000110110110100000000
1 01111111000000000000000000000001
2 00000001000000100000001100000100
To convert back to IPv4, set the parameter output_format
to "compressed"
df = pd.DataFrame({"ip": [3127078144, 2130706433, 16909060]})
df2 = clean_ip(df, "ip", output_format="compressed")
# print(df2)
ip ip_clean
0 3127078144
1 2130706433
2 16909060
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You must first convert the string that contains the IP address into a byte or a string of bytes and then start communicating.
According to the code below, your error will be resolved.
Make sure your code is working correctly overall.
string = ''
new_string = bytearray(string,"ascii")
ip_receiver = new_string
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.sendto(text.encode(), (ip_receiver, 5252))
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