Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/Or Time From Character String.

Error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

This error usually occurs when you are trying to convert a string value to a date or time data type in a database query, but the string format is not compatible with the expected format for the conversion.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the string value you are trying to convert matches the expected format for the specific data type.

Here are a few examples that illustrate some common scenarios and how to resolve them:

  1. Example 1: Converting a string to a date

    SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '2021-10-15')

    In this example, we are converting the string ‘2021-10-15’ to a DATE data type. The string format follows the standard YYYY-MM-DD format, which matches the expected format for the conversion. This query will execute successfully.

  2. Example 2: Invalid string format

    SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '15-10-2021')

    In this example, we are trying to convert the string ’15-10-2021′ to a DATE data type. However, the string format is not compatible with the expected format (YYYY-MM-DD). This will result in the “Conversion failed” error. To fix this, you need to provide the string in the correct format: ‘2021-10-15’.

  3. Example 3: Null or empty string


    In this example, we are trying to convert an empty string to a DATE data type. Since an empty string does not represent a valid date value, the conversion will fail. To avoid this error, make sure to provide a non-empty and valid string value for the conversion.

  4. Example 4: String with additional characters

    SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '2021-10-15T00:00:00.000Z')

    In this example, we are trying to convert the string ‘2021-10-15T00:00:00.000Z’ to a DATE data type. However, the string contains additional characters (‘T’, ‘:’, ‘.’, ‘Z’) that are not part of the expected date format. This will result in the conversion failure. To fix this, you need to remove the additional characters from the string, or use a different data type conversion if necessary.

By ensuring that your string value matches the expected format for the conversion, you can avoid the “Conversion failed” error and successfully convert strings to date or time data types in your database queries.

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