[Fixed]-Contents of locmem cache in Django?


The thing about locmem is that it really is just a local memory storage. Looking at the code, it’s clear that the data is just being saved in a module-level variable, _caches, in that module. So you can just do

from django.core.cache.backends import locmem


With LocMemCache, 3 sets of code below can get the contents of the cache in Django. *My question explains what results 3 sets of code below can get with LocMemCache and my answer explains how to get the key’s values with the keys and versions using LocMemCache:

from django.core.cache import cache

print(cache._cache) # Here
from django.core.cache import cache

print(cache._cache.items()) # Here
from django.core.cache.backends import locmem

print(locmem._caches) # Here

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