[Vuejs]-Connecting wifi through url


Connecting to a Wi-Fi network using just a URL is not supported by standard web technologies. The "mailto" protocol for email and similar URL schemes are specifically defined and supported by the operating systems and applications.

For connecting to a Wi-Fi network, users typically have to manually access the Wi-Fi settings on their devices and enter the network name (SSID) and password. This process cannot be automated through a simple URL.

To make it more convenient for your customers to connect to the restaurant’s Wi-Fi, you can consider alternative approaches:

Display the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password on a prominent sign or notice within the restaurant premises. This way, customers can manually select the network and enter the password on their devices.

Create a QR code that contains the Wi-Fi network details (SSID and password). Customers can scan the QR code using their devices, which will automatically populate the network information and allow them to connect easily.

You can generate a QR code using online services or libraries specifically designed for this purpose. There are Vue.js libraries available, such as vue-qrcode or vue-qr-generator, that can help you generate QR codes in your Vue.js project.

Here’s an example of using the vue-qrcode library to generate a QR code for the Wi-Fi network:

    <qrcode :value="wifiNetworkUrl" :size="200" />

import QRCode from 'vue-qrcode';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      wifiNetworkUrl: 'WIFI:S:ssid;T:WPA;P:password;H:false;',

In the above example, the wifiNetworkUrl variable contains the Wi-Fi network information in the required format for generating the QR code. The vue-qrcode library is used to display the QR code on the webpage.

By presenting the QR code, customers can conveniently scan it using their devices’ camera or a QR code scanner app, and it will automatically populate the network details for easy connection.

Remember to replace ‘ssid’ and ‘password’ with the actual network SSID and password of the restaurant’s Wi-Fi network.

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