[Django]-Conditionally extending a template in Django


The {% extends %} tag supports variables. See the doc for reference.

def my_view(request):
   if request.user.is_authenicated
       base_template_name = 'user_base.html'
       base_template_name = 'login_base.html'

   # Pass base template name to the renderer
   return render_to_response('your_template.html', {'base_template_name':base_template_name})

Template (please note that the value is not quoted):

{% extends base_template_name %}


You’re getting an error because extends needs to be defined at the top of the template. extends controls template inheritance: you are basically creating a subclass from some parent class, which is why extends needs to be the first thing in the template.

Imagine writing a class, and in the __init__() you said something like

class DoesntKnowWhereToInheritFrom(object):

    def __init__():
        if something:

The compiler/interpreter would freak out.

The common way to do what you are trying to do here is to check for is_authenticated in the view, and then render the appropriate template.


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