[Django]-Components in Django


The closest to CMS’s components functionality in Django is Inclusion tags



In 2021, I have come across the following projects:

I have used django-render-partial pretty extensively, and I like that the interface allows your partials to be used in templates, or hooked directly up to a urls.py.

django-components looks pretty cool, because it allows you to package CSS and JS files with the use of a Media class (similarly to Django forms), but it fractures the "everything is a view" pattern provided by django-render-partial.


I used django_components which saved me a lot of pain, it supports creating reusable components with dynamic components name, and it also allows passing HTML fragments to the components.


It was useful for me to learn about django-simple-components.

Here small example:

# file: templates/myapp/latest_news.html

{% load simple_components %}

{% set_component "article" %}
    <div class="card">
        <img src="{{ image }}" />
        <h3>{{ title }}</h3>
        <p>{{ description }}</p>
{% end_set_component %}

<div class="news-list">
    {% component "article"
        title="Some lines"
        description="Other text..."

    {% component "article" image="https://..." title="Second Post" description="Second description..." %}

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