[Answered ]-Complex SQL query for messaging app



Fix syntax

Basically, you just need to move the WHERE condition to its proper place, like @Lamak commented:

FROM conversation_user cu
WHERE conversation_id IN
    (SELECT conversation_id
     FROM conversation_user
     WHERE user_id = 32)
AND user_id != 32
ORDER BY m.send_date DESC

Make it fast

According to comment:

I’m trying to select the last message in each of the […] conversations user 32 is having.

SELECT cu.conversation_id
     , ufrom.username AS from_user
     , uto.username   AS to_user
     , m.message
     , m.send_date
FROM   conversation_user cu
   SELECT from_user_id, to_user_id, message, send_date
   FROM   message   m
   WHERE  m.conversation_id = cu.conversation_id
   ORDER  BY send_date DESC
   LIMIT  1
   ) m ON TRUE
LEFT   JOIN auth_user ufrom ON ufrom.id = m.from_user_id
LEFT   JOIN auth_user uto   ON uto.id = m.to_user_id
WHERE  cu.user_id = 32;


DB design

  • The query assumes that (user_id, conversation_id) is UNIQUE – which you confirmed in the comment. Be sure to add an actual UNIQUE constraint, which provides the much needed index automatically.

  • An index on message on (conversation_id, send_date DESC) would help, too. Details:

  • Assuming auth_user.id is the PK, so it would be indexed.

  • message.to_user_uid is probably supposed to be to_user_id – like from_user_id.

  • You probably want to add another FK to stay consistent:

    "message_to_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (to_user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id)

    Not sure why you think you need DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. If you don’t know you need this, remove it. It’s for special purposes and makes regular operations more expensive.

  • If only two users can take part in the same conversation, it would be more efficient to remove conversation_user altogether and add user1 and user2 or similar to conversation – unless there are more attributes for each combination of user/conversation. Potentially simplify message, too. You only need a boolean information instead of from_user and to_user.
    According to relational theory, conversation can be seen as a the implementation of many-to-many relationship between table auth_user and itself.

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