Command “yarn run build” exited with 1

When you run the command “yarn run build” and it exits with a status code of 1, it typically indicates that there was an error during the build process. This could be due to various reasons, such as syntax errors, missing dependencies, or configuration issues.

Let’s consider an example to understand this better. Suppose you have a JavaScript project that uses Yarn as the package manager. You run the “yarn run build” command to build your project for production deployment. However, during the build process, there is a syntax error in one of your source files. As a result, the build script fails and exits with a status code of 1.

    $ yarn run build

    yarn run v1.22.10
    $ webpack --config webpack.config.js
    ERROR in ./src/index.js
    Module build failed (SyntaxError: Unexpected token)
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit for documentation about this command.

In the given example, the error message suggests that there is a syntax error in the “index.js” file. This error prevents the build tool (Webpack in this case) from successfully compiling the source code, resulting in the command exiting with a status code of 1.

It’s important to carefully review the error message and investigate the cause of the issue. Common solutions include fixing the syntax error, installing any missing dependencies, or adjusting the project configuration. By resolving the underlying problem, you can ensure a successful build and resolve the “exited with 1” error.

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