[Answered ]-Combining ng repeat and django template language



The problem

By default, Django and AngularJS use the same tokens {{ and }} for templating.

So this gets first processed by Django template

{% for col_name in columns %}
    <td>{{package.{{ col_name }}}}</td>  DOESN'T WORK!
        ^                        ^
         Django template will try to process this value

Because Django tries to expand what’s inside the first {{...}}, you will not get what you want AngularJS to see.

If you want to continue down that road, I suggest you read some solutions to this problem here

Better solution

A better approach is to give AngularJS the items you want Django to loop for you.

$scope.columns = [...];

Then use AngularJS to do all the loops. Whichever way you do it, if you need it done in AngularJS, better do it all in AngularJS and not half-Django half-AngularJS.

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