[Vuejs]-Combine same the same datas into single field in a table



You can accomplish it by a single pass using js reduce() so need need to use multiple loops.

const data = { colors: [{ "selectedColor": "white", "selectedQty": 0, "selectedUnit": "1", }, { "selectedColor": "black", "selectedQty": "2", "selectedUnit": "3", }, { "selectedColor": "black", "selectedQty": 5, "selectedUnit": "2", }, { "selectedColor": "red", "selectedQty": 0, "selectedUnit": "6", } ]};

const result = data.colors.reduce((acc, {
  selectedColor: sc,
  selectedQty: sq,
  selectedUnit: su
}) => {

  if (acc[sc]) return {
    [sc]: {
      selectedColor: sc,
      selectedQty: acc[sc].selectedQty + parseInt(sq),
      selectedUnit: acc[sc].selectedUnit + parseInt(su)

  return {
    [sc]: {
      selectedColor: sc,
      selectedQty: parseInt(sq),
      selectedUnit: parseInt(su)

}, {});



You should create a computed method to create a new array, Instead of calling the data in your v-for you can call the computed.

I did that in a codepen :

Here is the main part of the code :

computed: {
      getGrouped() {
        let groupedColor = [];
        this.colors.forEach((c, index) => {
          // We check if the color has already been handle
          const alreadyExist = groupedColor.some(existC => existC.selectedColor === c.selectedColor);
          // If yes, we don't handle it again
          if(alreadyExist) return;
          this.colors.forEach((c2, index2) => {
            // If it is the same color but not the actual index, we do the traitement
            if(c.selectedColor === c2.selectedColor && index !== index2) {
              c.selectedQty = parseInt(c.selectedQty) + parseInt(c2.selectedQty);
              c.selectedUnit = parseInt(c.selectedUnit) + parseInt(c2.selectedUnit);
          // We push the concatened color value
        // Our array with concatened values
        return groupedColor;

And in your template

<tbody v-for="(color, i) in getGrouped" :key="i">

Hope it is what you are looking for

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