Cocoapods could not find compatible versions for pod “app_settings”:

cocoapods could not find compatible versions for pod “app_settings”:

An error occurs when CocoaPods cannot find compatible versions for a specified pod (in this case, “app_settings”). This typically happens when the CocoaPods repository does not contain any version of the pod that meets the dependencies specified in the Podfile.


Let’s say your Podfile includes the following line:

pod 'app_settings', '1.2.0'

This means that your project requires version 1.2.0 of the “app_settings” pod.

Now, if the CocoaPods repository does not have a version 1.2.0 of the “app_settings” pod or if there is a conflict with other pod dependencies, you will encounter the error: “Could not find compatible versions for pod ‘app_settings’.”

To fix this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Specify a different version that is available in the CocoaPods repository:
  2. pod 'app_settings', '1.1.0'

    This means you can use version 1.1.0 of the “app_settings” pod instead of 1.2.0. Make sure this version meets your project’s requirements.

  3. Update the pod version to match the available ones:
  4. If you are flexible, you can look up the available versions of the “app_settings” pod in the CocoaPods repository and update your Podfile accordingly. For example:

    pod 'app_settings', '~> 1.2.3'

    This will allow CocoaPods to install the latest available version of the “app_settings” pod as long as it’s within the specified version range (in this case, any version greater than or equal to 1.2.3).

  5. Contact the pod’s maintainer:
  6. If none of the available versions of the “app_settings” pod meet your requirements, you can reach out to the pod’s maintainer and ask for support or updates.

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