Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with result builder ‘viewbuilder’

The error message “closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with result builder ‘viewbuilder'” occurs when you try to use control flow statements like if-else or loops inside a closure that is used as a result builder in a ViewBuilder. Let’s dive deeper into this error and understand it with examples.

In SwiftUI, the ViewBuilder is a special attribute available on functions to specify that it is used to construct a view. The ViewBuilder transforms multiple views returned from a function into a single view by combining them using SwiftUI’s layout system. It allows you to write more readable and concise code, especially when dealing with conditional or repeated views.

However, the use of control flow statements like if-else or loops inside a closure that is used as a result builder can lead to compilation errors. This is because SwiftUI expects the result builder closure to be a list of views, not a list of statements.

Example 1:

      struct ContentView: View {
          var body: some View {
              VStack {
                  if condition {
                      Text("Condition is true")
                  } else {
                      Text("Condition is false")

In the above example, we are using an if-else statement inside the ViewBuilder closure to conditionally show different Text views. But this code will result in the mentioned error because SwiftUI’s ViewBuilder doesn’t allow control flow statements inside it.

Example 2:

      struct ContentView: View {
          var body: some View {
              VStack {
                  ForEach(0..<5) { index in
                      Text("Item \(index)")

Another common scenario where this error occurs is when trying to use loops like ForEach inside a ViewBuilder closure. Similar to the if-else example, SwiftUI's ViewBuilder only allows a list of views inside it, and not control flow statements or loops.


To resolve this error, you need to find alternative ways to achieve the desired behavior without using control flow statements or loops directly inside the ViewBuilder closure. Here are a couple of solutions:

1. Use view composition:

      struct ContentView: View {
          var body: some View {
              VStack {
                  if condition {
                  } else {
          private func createTrueView() -> some View {
              return Text("Condition is true")
          private func createFalseView() -> some View {
              return Text("Condition is false")

Instead of using an if-else statement inside the ViewBuilder closure, you can extract the conditional logic into separate helper functions that return individual views. These functions can then be used inside the ViewBuilder closure to compose the final view hierarchy.

2. Use @ViewBuilder attribute:

      struct ContentView: View {
          var body: some View {
              MyCustomView {
                  if condition {
                      Text("Condition is true")
                  } else {
                      Text("Condition is false")
      struct MyCustomView: View {
          let content: () -> Content
          @ViewBuilder init(@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content) {
              self.content = content
          var body: some View {
              VStack {

Another solution is to use the @ViewBuilder attribute. By using this attribute, you can define your own custom view that accepts a closure with control flow statements or loops. The @ViewBuilder attribute allows SwiftUI to handle the control flow statements correctly and build the view hierarchy accordingly.

These are just a couple of ways to handle the error "closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with result builder 'viewbuilder'". The approach you choose depends on your specific use case and design requirements.

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