The issue you’re running into is with how you’re using v-model
on the b-form-group-component
You’re displaying one radio group per item, but then storing the results from all of those groups in the same, single data variable: question_option
In order to fix this, you’ll need to store the selected options in an array, so you can keep track of the selection for each question individually. You can either create a new array for it, or add a property to the item
objects stored in dataList
to use, whichever makes more sense to you.
In the example below, I made the following changes:
- I added a
property to each item indataList
- Changed
- Changed the "hint" to reference
too - Added a span below "hint" to show the selection for the given question, just as an example to show that they’re storing properly
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() { return {
dataList: [
question: 'The first question',
qOptions: [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 },
{ text: 'Option 2', value: 2 },
{ text: 'Option 3', value: 3 },
{ text: 'Option 4', value: 4 }],
hints: 'First question hint',
question_option: '', // New option property for selection storage
question: 'The second question',
qOptions: [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 },
{ text: 'Option 2', value: 2 },
{ text: 'Option 3', value: 3 },
{ text: 'Option 4', value: 4 }],
hints: 'Second question hint',
question_option: '', // New option property for selection storage
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap@4/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue@latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.css" /><script src="//unpkg.com/vue@latest/dist/vue.min.js"></script><script src="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue@latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<ul class="question_list" v-for="(item, index) in dataList" :key="index">
<p><b>{{ index + 1 + '. ' + item.question }}</b></p>
<b-form-group :id="index.toString()" :name="index.toString()">
<!-- Replace "question_option" with "item.question_option" -->
<b-card-text class="mt-1 mb-0">
<!-- Replace "question_option" with "item.question_option" -->
<p><b>Hints:</b> <span v-if="item.question_option !== ''" v-html="item.hints"></span></p>
<!-- Added a span to show selection, for clarity -->
<b-card-text class="mt-1 mb-0">
<p><b>Selected:</b> <span>{{ item.question_option }}</span></p>
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At first, you have re-assign the data Object by mapping. here is the code
dataFormatedList (data, userReviewList) {
return data.map(item => {
// Options
const mySplitP = item.options.split('<p>')
const mySplitPClose = mySplitP[1].split('</p>')[0]
const mySplitSlash = mySplitPClose.split('///')
const correctAnsIndex = mySplitSlash.findIndex(element => element.includes("@@"))
const mySplitAtTheRate = mySplitSlash[correctAnsIndex].split('@@')[1]
mySplitSlash.splice(correctAnsIndex, 1, mySplitAtTheRate)
// Question
const questionSplit = item.question.split('</p>')[0]
const question = questionSplit.split('<p>')[1]
const myOption = mySplitSlash.map((item, index) => {
const is_correct = index === correctAnsIndex ? true : false
const qOptions = {
text: item,
value: index,
is_correct: is_correct,
bg_color: 'radio_option_default_custom_design',
text_color: 'text-primary',
return Object.assign({}, qOptions)
const questionOptions = {
qOptions: myOption,
question: question,
correctAnsIndex: correctAnsIndex
return Object.assign({}, item, questionOptions)
for looping here
<ul class="question_list" v-for="(item, index) in dataList" :key="index">
<div v-for="(qItem, index2) in item.qOptions" :key="index2">
<div class="radio_option_bar">
<p :class="qItem.bg_color"><b-form-radio :name="'question_option' + index" v-model="question_option[index]" :value="qItem.value" @change="itemSelected(qItem, item)"><span :class="qItem.text_color">{{ qItem.text }}</span></b-form-radio></p>
Now you have to use onchange method:
itemSelected (option, item) {
if (option.is_correct) {
option.bg_color = 'radio_option_correct_custom_design'
option.text_color = 'text-success'
} else {
option.bg_color = 'radio_option_incorrect_custom_design'
option.text_color = 'text-danger'
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