This is actually a case for defining a metaclass.
I’ve never actually found a source of information which gives a complete, clear and satisfactory explanation as to what metaclasses are or how they work. I will try to enhance this answer with such information if required but for the time being I am going to stick to a solution for your present problem. I am assuming python 3.
Define an additional class, thus:
class ModelSerializerMeta(serializers.SerializerMetaclass):
def __init__(cls, class_name, base_classes, attributes):
super(ModelSerialiserMeta, cls).__init__(class_name, base_classes, attributes)
Serializer.types[cls.Meta.oid] = [cls.Meta.model, cls]
Then use this as the metaclass of your Serializers, e.g.
class ProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer, metaclass=ModelSerializerMeta):
class Meta:
oid = 'profile'
model = Profile
fields = ['login', 'status']
Better yet, create some superclass for all your model serializers, assign the metaclass there, make all of your serializers inherit from that superclass which will then use the metaclass throughout.
Metaclasses are definitely the right answer unless your code can require python >= 3.6. Starting with 3.6 there is a new feature called the __init_subclass__
So you can do something like
class foo:
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Whenever a child of Foo
is defined, the __init_subclass__
method on Foo
will be called, passing in the child class reference as cls