Class “fideloper\proxy\trustproxies” not found


When you encounter the error message “class ‘fideloper\proxy\trustproxies’ not found” in your PHP code, it means that the specified class is not present or cannot be located by the autoloader.

This error commonly occurs in Laravel applications when the TrustProxies class from the Laravel middleware package doesn’t exist or is not properly configured.

To fix this error, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have all the required packages installed for your Laravel application. Run the following command in your project root directory:
  2. composer install

  3. Check if the TrustProxies class exists in your application. It should be located at app\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php. If the file is missing, you may need to reinstall or update your Laravel installation.
  4. Verify that the namespace and class name are correct for the TrustProxies class. It should be defined as follows:
  5. namespace App\Http\Middleware;
    use Fideloper\Proxy\TrustProxies as Middleware;
    class TrustProxies extends Middleware
  6. If the TrustProxies class is present, ensure that the necessary dependencies are properly imported using the use statement at the top of the file.
  7. Clear the Laravel configuration cache by running the following command:
  8. php artisan config:clear

After following these steps, the “class ‘fideloper\proxy\trustproxies’ not found” error should be resolved. However, if you continue to face the issue, it’s recommended to seek further help or consult the Laravel community for assistance.

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