[Vuejs]-Chime SDK to display all video tile and real time attendee list display using Vue JS


What i understood reading aws-sdk documentation and working through it, I’m sharing my own understanding which may help someone later.

What is the differences between local tile(getAllVideoTiles) and remote tile(getAllRemoteVideoTiles)?

getAllVideoTiles get all video tiles including the local one where as
getAllRemoteVideoTiles just return the remote video tiles. You can use
getLocalVideoTile to get the local video tile for the current local

How can I show all attendee video tile with their name?

Since you do not know your attendee name you would need to maintain a
mapping of the attendee name with an id on your side. You can pass
that Id to createAttendee and then you should be able to retrieve that
id in videoTileDidUpdate event and get the id via boundExternalUserId

How can I add the attendee’s name? Where should I pass it?
createAttendee or createMeeting API?

createAttendee. See the answer in the previous question.

How can I identify the Host?

You can tell if it is a local video in videoTileDidUpdate from the
tileState property localTile

How can I add in-meeting real-time chat and a list of connected

You can refer to this section of the API Overview for a simple way to
send messages in meeting.

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