Other answers call .all()
, which does a query to retrieve all objects in the relationship (all participants), and then uses Python code to check if the user is included.
A better approach would be to query whether the user is included in the relationship directly, using a filtered query.
if not thread.participants.filter(id=request.user.id).exists():
return HttpResponse("403 FORBIDDEN",status=403)
Note that thread.paricipants
is a Django QuerySet in and of itself.
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Since I can’t comment under @Harmish, I’ll have to point that under the PEP8 standard, membership should be x not in
and not not x in
Therefore, your code would look like:
if request.user not in thread.participants.all():
Source: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#programming-recommendations
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