[Answer]-Check a List With If Statement in a Loop Using Python/Django


Your variables articles_liked and users_who_liked are not correlated to each other. They always contain all liked articles and all users who liked, but between them there is no relation in your template context which you can rely on.

Therefore your if statement will always return True for every user who liked any article which has been liked by at least one user.

Assuming from your question that Like has a foreign key (Django docs) to User and a foreign key to Article you could just add a filter to your articles_liked assignment to only retrieve likes from the current user:

articles_liked = Likes.objects.filter(user_id=this_user_id).values_list('article_id', flat = True)

Then in your template you can simply check if the current article is in this list:

{% for article in articles %}

    {% if article.id in articles_liked %}
        <p class = 'likes'> 2 </p>
    {% else %}
        <p class = 'likes already_liked'> 2 </p>
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


As your Likes object has a reference to both Users and Articles, why not exploit this in your view? That way you control the logic in your view and template just becomes a simple if statement:

def some_view(request):
   articles = Article.objects.all()
   user = request.user
   article_list = []
   for a in articles:
     # Create a tuple, with a flag if the user has liked this article or not.
     article_status = (Likes.objects.filter(article_id=a.pk, user_id=user.pk).exists(), a,)
   return render(request, 'template.html', {'articles': article_list})

Now, in your template you have the following:

{% for liked,article in articles %}
  {% if liked %}
      <strong>You already liked this article!</strong>
  {% endif %}
  {{ article }}
{% endfor %}

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