Chartjs-Why are changing the time value of my axis (moment.js)?


To force your chart to always display time units in the desired format, you can define the time unit as follows.

xAxes: [{
   type: 'time',
      time: {
         unit: 'minute'

Note that the default display format of time unit 'minute' is 'h:mm a' (i.e. “11:44 am”). In case, you want to define another format, you may do it using displayFormats.

xAxes: [{
      type: 'time',
      time: {
        displayFormats: {
          minute: 'h:mm'

This results in the following runnable code snippet:

var sData = {
  datasets: [{
    'label': 'Node1',
    'borderColor': '#4c59b4',
    'data': [{'x': '12:22', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:32', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:43', 'y': 85}, {'x': '12:53', 'y': 85}]
  }, {
    'label': 'Node2',
    'borderColor': '#786f91',
    'data': [{'x': '09:08', 'y': 86}, {'x': '09:19', 'y': 86}, {'x': '09:29', 'y': 86}, {'x': '09:39', 'y': 86}, {'x': '09:49', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:00', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:10', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:20', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:30', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:40', 'y': 86}, {'x': '10:51', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:01', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:11', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:21', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:31', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:42', 'y': 86}, {'x': '11:52', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:02', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:12', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:22', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:32', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:42', 'y': 86}, {'x': '12:52', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:03', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:13', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:24', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:34', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:44', 'y': 86}, {'x': '13:54', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:04', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:14', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:24', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:35', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:45', 'y': 86}, {'x': '14:55', 'y': 86}, {'x': '15:05', 'y': 87}, {'x': '15:16', 'y': 87}, {'x': '15:26', 'y': 87}, {'x': '15:46', 'y': 87}, {'x': '16:07', 'y': 87}, {'x': '16:17', 'y': 87}, {'x': '16:27', 'y': 87}]

sData.datasets[0].data = formatData(sData.datasets[0].data)
sData.datasets[1].data = formatData(sData.datasets[1].data)

function formatData(oldData) {
  var newData = []
  for (var i = 0; i < oldData.length; i++) {
    var currentData = {}
    currentData.x = moment(oldData[i].x, "HH:mm")
    currentData.y = oldData[i].y
  return newData

var options = {
  responsive: true,
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{
      type: 'time',
      time: {
        unit: 'minute'
  tooltips: {
    callbacks: {
      title: (tooltipItem, data) => moment(tooltipItem[0].label).format('HH:mm')

var ctx = document.getElementById('bateria_graf').getContext('2d');
let chart = new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'line',
  data: sData,
  options: options
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="bateria_graf"></canvas>


NEA made the following comment to this answer:

(…) I don’t understand is why is printing, before the time the day of today. This is confusing, because my info is not from today (…).

The reason is that in above code, the time is parsed using Moment.js.

moment(oldData[i].x, "HH:mm")

When the parsed string does not contain information about the date, Moment.js assumes it to be of the current date. It has to make an assumption because the parsed object is basically a wrapper for Date. Please run the code snippet below and check the console output.

const m = moment("11:44", "HH:mm");
<script src=""></script>

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