Then based on your comment you could to something like this. Probably more elegant way but should work.
<chart :data-collection="myChartData"></chart>
export default {
name: "this-chart",
props: {
activeDataSet: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: value => ["a", "b", "c"].indexOf(value) > -1
computed: {
myChartData() {
const example1 = [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 },{ x: 3 y: 4 }];
const example2 = [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 },{ x: 3 y: 4 }];
const example3 = [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 },{ x: 3 y: 4 }];
if(this.activeDataSet === 'a') return example1
if(this.activeDataSet === 'b') return example2
if(this.activeDataSet === 'c') return example3
and then to use
<this-chart activeDataSet="a"></this-chart>
I think you’re looking for component props.
<chart :data-collection="myChartData"></chart>
export default {
name: "this-chart",
props: {
myChartData: {
type: Array,
required: true
And to use it
<this-chart :my-chart-data="exampleData"></this-chart>
export default {
name: "example-component",
data() {
return {
exampleData: [{ x: 5, y: 10 }, { x: 6, y: 11 }]
Please format your code better next time.